Saturday, 21 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Just a very quick post to wish any readers a merry christmas and a happy new year!

I expect I won't be making any New Years resolutions this year given I already have 30 challenges to complete, but I have been playing some festive tunes on my ukulele and have a very little something to share...

Apologies for the terrible quality of the recording - one take on a music recording app doesn't quite cut it, but it's a bit of Christmassy fun nonetheless.

Merry Christmas x

Friday, 13 December 2013

A Little Bit of Zen

As long as I can remember I've always been fascinated by different cultures and spirituality within them. I've visited countless places of spiritual worship in various countries and love walking into a calm building and soaking up the atmosphere - whether it's marvelling at the brightly coloured stained glass windows and Saint-ridden interior of Notre Dame or quietly kneeling and lighting a candle before a golden Buddha at a hilltop temple in Chiang-Mai.

On top of this, from quite a young age I remember having a specific interest in the idea of meditation. I once ordered some audio cassette tapes on how to meditate when I was about 10 from a catalogue - being a terrible hoarder I don't think I ever actually listened to them, they just sat on my bookshelf gathering dust. So when compiling this list, I thought this was something it was about time I tried.

Last summer in the run up to the Edinburgh Fringe I ended up busy every night and all weekend throughout the whole of July, on top of a heavy workload during the day. I found myself craving some alone time, and found the best way of getting it was to go for a walk at lunchtime from the office and to sit quietly by the nearby lake and do nothing. After a couple of days of this I realised it wasn't a far cry from actually trying to meditate. I'd tried a couple of guided meditations on YouTube before but found them hard to get into so I decided that when I planned my list of challenges, I would add meditation and go on a proper course.

In October I rocked up at the nearby Buddhist Centre to attend the "Introduction to Meditation 1" course, braced for the possibility that I might end up having to spend the evening with a group of hippy-types talking about visions and spirit animals. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself in a lovely group of people who were all intelligent and interesting and a joy to be around. Better still, most of us were very willing to talk honesty about how difficult we found some of the exercises, and there was a real sense of camaraderie within the group.

The sense of well being I started to get from the meditation sessions was lovely, as difficult as I found it to switch off from work mode to do it. As it went on it got easier to go into it, and I developed more control over the practise. I began to notice the difference in my behaviour at work, with an increased ability to multitask and juggle difficult projects, as well as a greater sense of control and positivity when things were very difficult and stressful.

I finished my six week course and immediately signed up for the level two course. I went to that, finding it even better and more interesting than the first course - I suddenly found I was able to meditate without guidance and just choose what worked for me and my mood and adapt to my environment too. That sense of improved well-being continued and the discussion in the classes was always thought provoking.

But most of all, I went back again because my teacher and the rest of my class were an absolute joy to spend time with. It's such a pleasure spending an evening with such a kind group of people.

I'm starting the third course in January.

30 Things Stats:
Number: 3 - Try meditation
Completion Status: COMPLETE
Summary: Want to improve your sense of contentment and well-being? Try it. I'm so pleased I've gone to a proper class, it's been really lovely. Really the fact I'm about to start my third course speaks for itself...

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

I Done Some Running

My legs really hurt the next day. I'm ashamed to say I totally underestimated how tough it would be without any training. I mean, 1.1 miles? That's nothing. I walk that road around the science park some lunchtimes and it takes about 20 minutes, so running it would be over much quicker at least.

I forgot that I'd struggle to breathe and have to slow down to regulate my breath and get back in control of my feeble asthmatic lungs. I forgot that when I do ever run, my left knee throbs for a few days afterwards. I forgot I turn tomato red after cardio and might feel a bit stupid like that around my work colleagues afterwards.

But I did it. Yes, I had to slow down for some bits so I didn't die, but I did it. I may have had a quick chat with a nice girl from one of the companies on the other side of the park who was also struggling half way round. I may have got to the end, handed over the baton to our next runner and immediately dropped down to sit on the floor for a few minutes before regaining the energy to stand and grab a bottle of water and a banana. But I did it.

And even better, we raised a load of money for Children In Need. Running has given me more of an achy body than an endorphin rush, but the warm fuzzy charity feeling's better any day.

30 Things Stats:
Number: 13 - Run a race
Completion Status: COMPLETE
Summary: I did hurt a bit - but really only have myself to blame for not managing to make time for training. In fact, I think I might get back into my zombies 0-5k training app and see if I can improve.