Tuesday, 3 December 2013

I Done Some Running

My legs really hurt the next day. I'm ashamed to say I totally underestimated how tough it would be without any training. I mean, 1.1 miles? That's nothing. I walk that road around the science park some lunchtimes and it takes about 20 minutes, so running it would be over much quicker at least.

I forgot that I'd struggle to breathe and have to slow down to regulate my breath and get back in control of my feeble asthmatic lungs. I forgot that when I do ever run, my left knee throbs for a few days afterwards. I forgot I turn tomato red after cardio and might feel a bit stupid like that around my work colleagues afterwards.

But I did it. Yes, I had to slow down for some bits so I didn't die, but I did it. I may have had a quick chat with a nice girl from one of the companies on the other side of the park who was also struggling half way round. I may have got to the end, handed over the baton to our next runner and immediately dropped down to sit on the floor for a few minutes before regaining the energy to stand and grab a bottle of water and a banana. But I did it.

And even better, we raised a load of money for Children In Need. Running has given me more of an achy body than an endorphin rush, but the warm fuzzy charity feeling's better any day.

30 Things Stats:
Number: 13 - Run a race
Completion Status: COMPLETE
Summary: I did hurt a bit - but really only have myself to blame for not managing to make time for training. In fact, I think I might get back into my zombies 0-5k training app and see if I can improve.

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